Better ACT than react is aimed at improving practices in work with vulnerable groups of young people in the field of development of psychological flexibility, healthy ways of dealing with stress and emotional regulation.
Based on the principles of ACT treatment, we empower people working with vulnerable youth groups to develop psychological flexibility so that they can cope more successfully with stress and protect themselves from burn-out, and moreover transfer those skills to the young people they work with. Also, we will awake awareness of life values in people working with vulnerable youth groups to feel more fulfilled while working with youth.
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)...
is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, an empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies with commitment and behavior-change strategies to increase psychological flexibility.
Psychological flexibility...
is the ability to stay in contact with the present moment regardless of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, while choosing one's behaviors based on the situation and personal values. Studies show that psychological flexibility is associated with quality of life and mental well-being.
for enhancing psychological flexibility that can be used in 3 ways:
* individual use for youth workers
* individual use for the youth themselves
* shared use in group work.
for workshops to develop psychological flexibility in youth that will be used in synergy with the app, so that youth workers can transfer the skills they have acquired to youth in a systematic way.
where youth workers will learn how to use the workshop curriculum, try out the application themselves and develop psychological flexibility skills.
Scroll down to find every important download for this project
- The workshop curriculum
- The mobile app
- The newsletters
Mobile App
Click on the link below to find the BetterACT mobile application for Android and iOS!
BetterACT Poster
The BetterACT than react poster explains the goals of the designed curriculum and mobile app. The poster can be freely downloaded, printed and distributed.
BetterACT Leaflet
The BetterACT than react leaflet has the same information as the poster in a handy leaflet layout. The leaflet can be freely downloaded, printed and distributed.
Better ACT than react is realized by
Sirius – Croatia
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services – Ireland
8D Games – Netherlands
DGASPC Harghita – Romania
Med.O.R.O. scarl – Italy
This project is co-funded by EU Programme Erasmus+ with the code n. 2020-1-HR01-KA205-077335
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.